Understanding Disposable Email Addresses
- What is a Disposable Email Address Service and why do I need it?
- How do Disposable Email Addresses work?
- How are Disposable Email Addresses different from junk email filters?
- How is using a Disposable Email Address different from just using a secondary email address for all the email I do not care about?
- Will using Disposable Email Addresses affect my regular email?
Using Disposable Email Addresses
- What operating systems and broswers will the service work with?
- How will a user know that they have received email addressed to a Disposable Email Address?
- Will a Real Email Address be revealed if a reply is made to a message sent to a Disposable Email Address?
- Will a Real Email Address be revealed if a message received through the Service is forwarded to someone else?
- Can a Disposable Email Address be user with cell phones or other wireless devices?
- When a Real Email Address changes, do the Disposable Email Addresses continue to work?
- How does a user determine if someone gave out one of their Disposable Email Addresses?
- How can a Disposable Email Address be turned off?
- What happens to email sent to a Disposable Email Address that has been turned off?
- Can a Disposable Email Address that is turned off be turned back on?
- Can a Disposable Email Address be customized?
- Can a Disposable Email Address forward to more than one Real Email Address at a time?
- Will the Service allow a user to add all their Real Email Addresses to a single Disposable Email Address account?
- How does a user subscribe to a service that requires validation be sent from their email account?
- If a user has a signature, will it be shown in emails sent through the Service?
- Can information associated with a Disposable Email Address be changed?
- I receive a general error page when I try to login. What is the problem?
- I sent myself a test email and never received it? Why not?
- I am not receiveing email that I think I should be receiving. How can I check if the service is up?
- I sent an email to myself and I see my Real Email Address in the headers. I thought that the service was supposed to hide my Real Email Address?
- I signed up for the service recently and just checked my email and see it is full of spam. Why isn't the service working?
- How can a problem be reported?
- The URL in the validation email is not clickable. What can be done?
- I just registered and realized that I mis-typed my email address. What do I do?
- I am not receiving the validation email, what could be the problem?
Understanding Disposable Email Addresses |
1. What is a Disposable Email Address Service and why do I need it? |
Every time you disclose your Real Email Address, you lose all control over how it is used. Once your Real Email Address is known, there is no way to MAKE someone stop sending you email nor is there a way to prevent them from disclosing your Real Email Address to others.
Disclosure is one of the main causes of unsolicited email. A Disposable Email Address Service protects your Real Email Address from disclosure.
With a Disposable Email Address Service you can create Disposable Email Addresses that forward to your Real Email Address. These addresses should be used instead of your Real Email Address whenever you are asked to disclose your email address. By using Disposable Email Addresses you protect your Real Email Address from disclosure and retain control over who is able to send you email. |
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2. How do Disposable Email Addresses work? |
Whenever your Real Email Address is requested on-line, DO NOT DISCLOSE IT!. Use the Disposable Email Address Service to create a new Disposable Email Address and disclose it instead.
All email sent to your Disposable Email Addresses is automatically forwarded to your Real Email Address.
If you ever receive unwanted email through a Disposable Email Address, just turn it off and the unwanted email will stop. This will only stop email that is sent to this one Disposable Email Address and will not affect email that is sent to any of your other Disposable Email Addresses, and since you only disclosed the Disposable Email Address once, you can look up it and determine to whom it was given and thus the source of the unwanted email.
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3. How are Disposable Email Addresses different from Junk Email Filters? |
Filters evaluate whether an email message is wanted or unwanted by examining the message headers and the message content and comparing them to a set of rules. Sometimes the rules are created by the user and sometimes they are provided by the ISP (i.e. Hotmail's junkemail filtering or Earthlink's Spaminator).
All content filters run the risk of false positives (determining that a message is not wanted when it is) and false negatives (determining that a message is wanted when it is not) and require you to look through the filtered mail to confirm that only unwanted email was filtered.
For every filter that is created, a sender of unwanted email has already figured out how to bypass that filter, creating a never ending game of cat and mouse.
Disposable Email Addresses do not evaluate whether an email message wanted or unwanted based on content. The Disposable Email Address is either on or off. If it is on, the email is delivered, if it is off, the email is rejected. Simple. Leave a Disposable Email Address on until it is abused then turn it off. If a vendor sends to much unwanted email, but you need to do business with them, turn the Disposable Email Address on until you receive your receipt then turn it off until the next transaction.
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4. How is using a Disposable Email Address different from just using a secondary email address for all the email I do not care about? |
Having an secondary email account to give out whenever your email address is requested is the same concept as using Disposable Email Addresses, but not nearly as usefull or convenient. A secondary email account requires you to remember multiple logins, check multiple email accounts and does not actually stop the unwanted email, it just has it delivered to a different email address that you still need to check.
Using a secondary email address only moves the problem from one email account to another.
A Disposable Email Address Service does not require you to maintain and check multiple email accounts as all your email is forwarded to your Real Email Address. It solves the problem of unwanted email by allowing you to create a new Disposable Email Address each time you need to provide your Email Address, which allows a single Disposable Email Address to be turned off without affecting the others. To do this using secondary email providers would require a new account each time you needed to provide an email address. |
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5. How will using Disposable Email Addresses affect my email sent directly to my Real Email Address? |
Using Disposable Email Addresses will not effect any email that is sent directly to your Real Email Address.
Only email sent to your Disposable Email Addresses goes through the Disposable Email Address Service.
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Using Disposable Email Addresses |
1. What operating systems and browsers will the service work with? |
The Service works equally well on most operating systems, browsers. The entire service is browser based so nothing is actually installed on your computer except for a shortcut or bookmark in your browser for easy access. The only difference you may notice on the various services is the process for installing the shortcut. For further information on installing the shortcut, please read step 3 of Gettting Started
Because the service is browser based, it can be accessed from any computer with a browser, making creating Disposable Email Addresses convenient from anywhere. |
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2. How will a user know that they have received email through one of their Disposable Email Address? |
Any email addressed to a Disposable Email Address will be forwarded to the Real Email Address with which it is associated. A short message is inserted either in the top of the email or in the header or the email indicating to which Disposable Email Address the email was addressed and a corresponding link (URL) to obtain additional information on the Disposable Email Address and sender.
This additional information link is the ONLY way to determine to which Disposable Email Address the email was sent if you were BCCed on the email (which is a common tactic with unsolicited email). |
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3. Will a Real Email Address be revealed if a reply is made to a message sent to a Disposable Email Address? |
When a user replies from their Real Email Address to a email that was sent to one of their Disposable Email Addresses, the reply will go through the Service and the recipient will only see the Disposable Email Address as the "FROM address".
The "Message Header" is re-written to protect the user's Real Email Address.
Please note however that if the user writes their Real Email Address in the "body" of the message it may be revealed. The Service does look for instances of the Real Email Address within the "body" of the message and attempts to re-write them as the corresponding Disposable Email Address but there is no assurance that all occurrances will be found and replaced. The best policy is to not include a Real Email Address within the "body" of a message. |
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4. Will a Real Email Address be revealed if a message received through the Service is forwarded to someone else? |
YES. It will be revealed to everyone the message is sent to regardless of what options are chosen for sending the email (TO (direct) CC (Carbon Copy), BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)) because the message is not being sent (relayed) through the Service. Similarly, if "reply all" is chosen then everyone, except the original sender, will be able to see the Real Email Address of the user.
If it is important to not have a Real Email Address revealed do not "reply all", "forward", "CC" or "BCC" when responding to email that was sent to a Disposable Email Address. |
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5. Can a Disposable Email Address be used with cell phones or other wireless devices? |
Not only is it possible, but it is recommended to use a Disposable Email Address for any device that can receive email. Just be sure when adding the device's Real Email Address to check the box indicating that it is a mobile device so we can send a short version of the address validation message. |
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6. When a Real Email Address changes, do the Disposable Email Addresses continue to work? |
To continue to receive email sent to your Disposable Email Addresses when your Real Email Address changes, you must add your new Real Email Address to the Service and set all of your Disposable Email Addresses to forward to your new Real Email Address. This is easily accomplished by removing your old Real Email Address from the Service (after adding the new one), which will prompt you to select to which Real Email Address all the Disposable Email Addresses which forward to the old address should now forward.
Changing your Real Email Address is easy with Disposable Email Addresses. |
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7. How does a user determine if someone gave out one of their Disposable Email Addresses? |
If you receive unsolicited email throgh a Disposable Email Address, chances are the Dispoable Email Address has either been disclosed or the party to whom it was given is sending you non-permission email.
To be able to determine who disclosed it, a different Disposable Email Address should be used each each time your email address is requested.
This allows you to link the Disposable Email Address to where it was used. When a user receives unsolicited email, they can determine to which Disposable Email Address is was sent by clicking on the additional information link included in the email. (note: The user must provide their username and password to access this information unless they are already logged into the Service.) |
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8. How can a Disposable Email Address be turned off? |
A Disposable Email Address can be turned off by either clicking on the additional info link in a received email and selecting 'Turn off' or by logging into the service, clicking 'List Addresses', clicking on the Disposable Email Address to be turned off, then selecting 'turn off'. If desired the Disposable Email Address can now be deleted from the edit page.
The delete option is only available for a Disposable Email Address that has already been turned off.
Note: Deleting a Disposable Email Address is permanent and the address is not available to be used again. |
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9. What happens to email sent to a Disposable Email Address that has been turned off? |
Email sent to a Disposable Email Address that has been turned off or deleted is rejected (bounced) with a '550 User Unknown' error. This is the same error that is returned if email is sent to an email address that does not exist. Email rejected because an address is turned off cannot be retrieved as the service never actually accepted it. |
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10. Can a Disposable Email Address that is turned off be turned back on? |
A Disposable Email Address can be turned on and off as often as desired. A deleted Disposable Email Address cannot be retrieved or turned back on. |
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11. Can a Disposable Email Address be customized? |
Disposable Email Addresses (depending on the level of service that is offered) may be customized in the following ways:
- Local part customization (localpart@domain.com) allows any local part so long as it is not already in use by another user of the Service. This is frequently referred to as a vanity address.
- Nickname ("Nickname" <localpart@domain.com>) will appear on all email sent from the Disposable Email Address.
- A Custom Subject can be added to all incoming email to the Disposable Email Address. Each message will have this text inserted in front of the Subject line allowing for easy identification on inbound email.
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12. Can a Disposable Email Address forward to more than one Real Email Address at a time? |
Not at this time. |
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13. Will the Service allow a user to add all their Real Email Addresses to a single Disposable Email Address account? |
Users can add as many Real Email Addresses as they wish by entering them into their profile. Just login to the service, then click 'Profile', then 'Real Email Addresses', then 'Add Real Address'. A validation email will be sent each time a Real Email Address is added and only to Real Email Address. In order to be able to forward email from a Disposable Email Address to a Real Email Address the Real Email Address must first be validated. |
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14. How does a user subscribe to a service that requires validation be sent from their email account? |
A user can send email directly from the Service by first choosing the Disposable Email Address they wish to use and then choosing "Send". A window will be opened up where all relevant information for sending and email can be entered. A copy of the message can be sent to the user for their records. The Real Email Address of the user will not be revealed using this process. |
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15. If a user has a signature, will it be shown in emails sent through the Service? |
Yes it will, so BE CAREFUL. Signatures often contain a Real Email Address. If that's the case and email is sent through the Service, the Real Email Address of the user may accidentally be revealed. The Service does attempt to scan for any occurrence of a known Real Email Address and replace it with the Disposable Email Address that is relevant to the email. However due to the nature of email servers and clients it is not always possible to find every instance and replace it. There is no guarantee that the Real Email Address will be replaced within the "body" of the email message, which includes the signature. |
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16. Can information associated with a Disposable Email Address be changed? |
Of course. Just login to the service, then click 'List Addresses', then click the Disposable Email Address and then click 'Edit'. From this page any information can be changed except the actual Disposable Email Address. After any changes are made choose "Update" to make the changes effective. |
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Troubleshooting |
1. I receive a general error page when I try to login. What is the problem? |
This problem is usually caused by our being unable to set a cookie on your browser. This can be the result of a corrupt cookie or too restrictive security settings in your browser and/or your personal firewall software. To resolve this please change your security setting to allow the dea.spamcon.org cookie, then try deleting the cookie (just to make sure it is not corrupt) and restarting your browser. If this does not solve the problem, please contact support@spamex.com with a description of the problem. |
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2. I sent myself a test email and never received it? Why not? |
Most often the reason that the test email is not received is because it has been filtered by your junk email filters (false positives are a big problem with filters). Check you junk email folder. You can determine if the email went through the service by logging in, clicking on the Disposable Email Address to which you sent the test and then clicking 'History'. If the message appears in the history, then it went through the service. It is not unheard of for the email to delayed in a mail server after it leaves the service. We have seen this frequently with Hotmail, Yahoo Mail and AOL. |
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3. I am not receiveing email that I think I should be receiving. How can I check if the service is up? |
An easy way to check if the service is up is to send yourself an email and see of it appears in the history. If the delivery problem is on your end, it may appear in the history but not arrive in your email client until later.
We monitor the service on a regular basis and perform loop tests every 30 seconds, where we send email through the service and see how long it takes to be delivered. To date, not a single delivery problem has been related to our service. |
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4. I sent an email to myself and I see my Real Email Address in the headers. I thought that the service was supposed to hide my Real Email Address? |
When you perform this test, be sure that you send from a different email address than the one to which the Disposable Email Address is forwarding or the headers will be very confusing to read. The incoming message will contain your Real Email Address because the message was forwarded to your Real Email Address, however, if you reply to the message, you will note that the reply does not contain your Real Email Address, but instead contains the Disposable Email Address, even though you replied from your Real Email Address. |
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5. I signed up for the service recently and just checked my email and see it is full of spam. Why isn't the service working? |
Just signing up for the service will not stop the spam that is going to your Real Email Address. Please read the 'Understanding Disposable Email Addresses' section of the FAQ for an explanation of how Disposable Email Addresses work and how to use them. |
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6. How can a problem be reported? |
Any problems or suspected problems with the Service should be sent to: support@spamex.com |
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7. The URL in the validation email is not clickable. What can be done? |
Try copying and pasting the URL from the validation email into a browser and see if that works. Sometimes the URL wraps onto a new line, which prevents it from working properly when clicked on. A validation "code" is now included in the email that is sent when a user signs up or enters a new Real Email Address. Activate the Application Pop-up and enter that code into the system where the Real Email Addresses are located. A link entitled "click here to enter validation code" or similar will be next to any Real Email Addresses that are not yet validated. |
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8. I just registered and realized that I mis-typed my email address. What do I do? |
If you have registered for the free service, just re-register with the correct email address and the incorrect account will be removed automatically when it is not validated. If you have registered for the paid service, you must add the correct email address to your account and remove the incorrect one. This can be done through the Real Addresses page in your profile. |
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9. I am not receiving the validation email, what could be the problem? |
A few things can prevent your validation email from reaching you. Once corrected, the validation can be resent from the Real Addresses page in your Profile.
- The email address is incorrect - Follow instructions in FAQ: Problems #6.
- The validation email was mistaken for Spam by your spam filters - Check your Junk Email folder for the message.
- You are using whitelists or blacklists (email controls in AOL) and are blocking our domain, email address or screen name (this happens frequently with AOL) - Add validate@dea.spamcon.org as an allowed sender.
- Your ISP's mail server is experiencing latency issues - This will typically clear up after a short time and the validation will arrive.
- General Internet Latency - This will typically clear up after a short time and the validation will arrive.
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